Tuesday, April 27, 2021

 This truth...such a novel idea. It changes with authors. Believed or not by consumers. But such a big word. So much filling its curves and crosses. TRUTH Everyone has their own. Shaped and baked by lifetimes of ovens. Some hot and steamy and uncomfortable. Some freshly cleaned and not even turned on. But make no mistake, these "ovens" of our lives are our own. Even those who live through the experiences with us do not, cannot, have the same truth. 

There is a lot of anger in my truth, right now. Since 2015 I have watched with revulsion. Watched the Republican Party that I grew up in become some kind of cult. Where if you have a opposing thought, you will be banished and lives destroyed. As each fresh hell came out, I wondered how the hell we got here. As more and more people jumped on the orange train, I became more dismayed. Are they not hearing what I am? How are they processing the racist, belittling comments of TFG? Or....did he just give them the permission they have been waiting for? To be as racist and ugly against anyone that doesn't look or think as the group. And as 2015 became the election year, 2016 and I horrifyingly watched people throw away their decency, morals, and intellect and vote that orange clown in to the presidency, I thought (hoped) he would take on the mantle of a civilized, respectful world leader. WRONG, WRONG, WRONG, WRONG, WRONG, WRONG, WRONG, WRONNNNNNGGGGGG. 4 years of out right lies and bullying. Not a policy that benefitted any American that wasn't already benefitting from a "trickledown" economy.

But I think the worst is that after 4 years and a failed re election, the idea that racism is ok has been fueled to the point of never ending. Just like when Bill Clinton made blow jobs ok, TFG makes it ok to be a full on racist. Now it spreads to the state legislators. Bills restricting votes are the new lynch mobs. The fact that more than 35% of TFG supporters won't take the vaccine makes me hurt for the soul of the country. It's these 35% that will keep us in pandemic mode; allow variants to mutate and to eventually defeat the vaccine. And then, we are surrounded by the politicians and tv show hosts that do nothing but perpetuate lies of stolen elections, unnecessary vaccines, etc. Why are there no limits to how they spread the disinformation. Admitted they are not "news" but opinion shows, yet they have press credentials? Make them what they are, talk shows for entertainment. Not to be taken as facts. Where is the cavalry to stop them. Politicians flocking to florida to kiss the ass of TFG. Not even visiting their own districts. Covering up January 6. Who the fuck says it's ok to recount ballots months after the election has been certified? What kind of power does this fucktified party have that they can order this shit? Angry. 

And then there are corporate donations. As they walk away from the idea of not supporting the elected officials that voted against the certification, they slowly, quietly try to slip them $$ on the side. But as consumers, how can we fight it? EVERY company donates to political candidates. On both sides. So where does a consumer find products that align with their own ideals? They don't. It's hit or miss. ATT is a slippery donor, but so are the other telecoms. So do you go without a cellular phone or a lesser service? Its a mess.